Expires September 27, 2022 23:59 PST
Buy now and get 89% off
Create a one-page website for pretty much anything. Fast and easy. Linkcard is a no-code mobile site builder that allows users of all levels to create amazing mobile-first micro-sites in minutes with a ton of great marketing features. It’s a no-code mobile site-building platform. Easy to use with hundreds of features and templates. Create a website for anything from design portfolios, home pages, to newsletters and more.
- For every need. Social media, product or service portfolio, real estate, & more
- As easy as 1-2-3. See your page come alive exactly how you had pictured it, so easily
- Designer-made templates. Ready for your every need
- Customze. Create, measure, learn, & make the changes that enhance your digital communication like never before
- Share. Use them in your Bios or share them on your social media. Watch your designs go viral in a blink of an eye
- Free hosting. Your Linkcards are safe on our cloud
- Connect your domain. Connect your domain to keep the top of mind of your brand across all mobile pages created with Linkcard
- Capture leads. Every connection captures leads downloadable from your dashboard
- Organize by folders. Order your Linkcards by company area, activate/deactivate, edit, duplicate or delete any mobile page
- Add tracking IDs. Track the usage of all your Linkcard products via built-in statistics, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, & Facebook Pixel
- GDPR compliance. Protects your privacy & data security by guaranteeing the highest standard available
Professional Plan
- Includes 3 mobile pages
- PRO Content blocks
- PRO design toolkit
- PRO designer-made templates
- Remove Linkcard branding
- Lead capture form
- Analytics
- Tracking ID’s
- Save your design as a template
- Connect up to 1 domain
- Ecommerce features
System Requirements
- For visualization: compatible with all available browsers both mobile and desktop. Best compatibility with Chrome.
- For editing: recommended from laptop/desktop browser as mobile version is limited to the strict minimum.
Important Details
- Length of access: lifetime
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Must be redeemed by December 31, 2022
- Access options: desktop & mobile
- Max number of device(s)
- License is per units of Linkcards, not devices
- One can access his/her Linkcard from any device at any given time
- Exclusions or restrictions: existing Linkcard customers are excluded from this massive promotion
- Only available to new users
- Version: 7.5.2
- Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here